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Thông tin học bổng tại Pháp

Đăng lúc: Thứ năm - 23/01/2014 16:34 - Người đăng bài viết: admin
The PhD student will be based in France in La Rochelle.
Dear colleagues and friends,
I would like to send you a proposition of PhD subject which has been accepted for funding through the program 911 with USTH. The PhD student will be based in France in La Rochelle.
The team proposing the subject is looking for a good Vietnamese candidate with a master level (and good English or French speaking).
Thanks to transfer this subject to colleagues or any potential candidates.
Candidates can contact me or the supervisors to the following address:
Dr. Séraphine Grellier
Coordinator of Bachelor in Water, Environment, Oceanography,
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam
Cell Phone Vietnam:  (00) 84 1 68 32 35 178

Tác giả bài viết: Xuân Sinh - Mai Lan
Nguồn tin: Hiình ảnh của Cẩm Nhung

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  • Tháng hiện tại: 462119
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Trưởng ban biên tập: TS. Lê Xuân Sinh - Email: - Hotline: +(84)972-366-858